My experiences in Aikido since 1967 (English / international Edition)
My experiences in Aikido since 1967 by 黄老师 First, let me introduce myself. I am an Indonesian citizen and now almost 75 years old. In 1967, I got a book written by Senior Master Tohei Koichi, the Aikikai Hombu-cho, which title was AIKIDO IN DAILY LIFE. At the time, I also heard from a Japanese pen friend that the Founder of Aikido, Grand Master Ueshiba Morihei, used Daitoryu Jujutsu to create a more humane martial arts based on LOVE. Since I did not like to fight and Aikido was based on LOVE, I was curious and immediately wrote a letter to Aikido Headquarters, with a little hope of getting a reply because I was not an important person at all. In that first letter I asked why Aikido was based on LOVE and how was LOVE applied in Aikido which was clearly a martial art. Two months later, Senior Master Tohei answered me. He said he wanted to know my background in mar...